
🛫 When does the game begin?

The game begins on Wednesday, June 26th, 2024 at 12 pm PT.

Want to get started early and get ahead on points? Click here for an early access invite code.

🛬 When does the game end?

The game ends Friday, July 12th, 2024 at 11:59 am PT.

🪙 What bridges and tokens are supported?

Only the Rainbow Bridge and only the tokens from the allowlist are eligible for Grail Season 2 on NEAR.

ETH (contract address = aurora) is a supported token starting on June 26, 2024 12pm ET.

📤 Can I bridge capital out?

Grail points are calculated on your net bridged capital: bridged-in amount minus bridged-out amount. When you bridge out, your net bridged amount decreases, and you earn fewer points from then onwards. If your net bridged amount becomes zero or negative, you earn 0 points.

👛 Can I change my Grail wallet address?

No, you cannot change your participating wallet address after registration. This protects any prizes you may receive at the end of the game from being stolen by a malicious third party.

Changing your NEAR wallet address in Flipside Earn (address used for Flipside Quests) will not change your Grail address.

❓ Why is my bridged amounts not showing? Why are my points not adding?

The Grail page uses data from Flipside NEAR tables. Grail amounts and points update when the tables are updated. Please wait at least 3 hours before reporting a missing transaction or points.

If you waited 3 hours, subtracted you bridged-out amounts, and still do not see the amounts or points you expect on your Game board: Please open a support ticket to get more help.

💻 Something is not working on the Grail page, help!

If you experience glitches with the Grail site (user interface issues, for example a button is not clickable), open a support ticket to let us know.

For points issues, please see the previous question first, before you open a ticket.

💰 What if I don't have a lot of capital to bridge, can I still play?

Yes! There are 5 different prize levels designed for players with varying levels of capital. Additionally, Multiplier Quests serve as a mechanism to balance the playing field, enabling strategy and luck to contribute to the final outcome.

⏰ I participated in early access, what happens to my points?

If you participated in the early access pre-launch of Grail Season 2 on NEAR by bridging capital, you will continue to earn your points per second so long as your capital remains bridged (as long as your net bridged capital does not reduce).

❓How do I complete Multiplier Quests?

Complete the action described in the Multiplier Quest tile with the NEAR address you used to register for Grail (this address cannot be changed). Grail will automatically register the action as completed after it occurs on-chain. The Game board will update to signal that the Multiplier Quest has been completed and a multiplier collected.

Please wait at least 3 hours from your transaction before reporting issues with the Game board.

❓I can't draw a Multiplier. Why not?

You cannot draw your first multiplier until you have added a minimum of 1 multiplier to your deck! To a multiplier to your deck complete a Multiplier Quest.

If you have already used your initial draw you will receive a new draw every 24 hours. These draws are cumulative.

Each multiplier can only be used once.

❓Are Multipliers random? Can I draw the same multiplier several times?

Multipliers are random, and each multiplier can only be used once.

❓Are there instructions for how complete Multiplier Quests?

We encourage you to do your own research and determine how to complete the Multiplier Quest to collect the Multiplier. If you are a seasoned web3 user, you may have an edge over other players.

❓Do I have to fill out the Tax Summary in Flipside Earn to collect my rewards?

Flipside is required to collect information for participants who earn $600+ in USD value. If your rewards (across all our programs) reach that amount, you will be required to complete the Tax Summary before claiming rewards. Read more about the Tax Center here.

❌ Why am I being banned or hidden from the leaderboard?

If you cycle you will be banned :(

Last updated