Top Dashboards

How It Works

Make dashboards in our app, publish and promote them, and if your dashboard trends in Top Dashboards you get paid.

Trending dashboard rankings on our Insights page are based on:

👍 likes on our website 📈 social media engagement and shares across X and Warpcast 👀 views/website engagement 🌐 shares across the web 🤫 other factors

Earn Rewards

Rewards are assigned based on a dashboard's rank on Flipside's trending insights page and the League the analyst is in.

To be eligible, dashboards must follow Top Dashboard Guidelines.

Gold League

Gold League represents the highest quality trending insights by our community.

Silver League

Silver League is an opportunity to earn while you learn. As a newer or upskilling analyst, you can earn rewards without the pressure of competing with Gold League dashboards.

Silver League includes accounts created less than 3 months ago, accounts with <10 hours in the Gold League, and accounts added to Silver League for accelerated upskilling.

The maximum duration of being eligible is 3 months. It is possible to advance to Gold League at any point, or at the end of this period. Advancing is based on the strength of the Peer Reviews of your outputs that our experienced community Reviewers continuously conduct, and also on not violating Top Dashboard Guidelines.


Boosts are limited-time reward multipliers in the Gold League that apply to dashboards on certain ecosystems or topics during specific time periods.

To find out what boosts are currently active and coming up:


New insights that are relevant to current discussion topics in web3 take precedence. A decay function gradually reduces rewards on older Top Dashboards, although it never takes rewards to 0 if the rank is still eligible for earning.

Timeouts and Bans

Dashboards and users who violate Top Dashboard Guidelines are disqualified from rewards temporarily or permanently without notice.

Claim Rewards

Rewards are claimable on an hourly basis in Flipside Earn.

Start by adding a wallet address to your Flipside account on the chain where you accrued rewards. To do this, go to your Account dropdown (upper right corner of our homepage) and click Add a Wallet.

After you have a wallet address saved, head to Flipside Earn.

Go to your Pending Rewards and click View Rewards to open your right-side rewards drawer. There, you can withdraw earnings to your saved addresses.

Success Tips

Some of our best tips to succeed in Top Dashboards:

Stay Up to Date

We continue to evolve this program over time! To keep up with the latest developments, follow us on X @flipsidecrypto and join our Discord.

Last updated