dbt Tips

Naming Convention

As noted in the model standards, we segment steps into bronze/silver/core layers and these are organized via schemas within a database. The directory structure within models/ is not what determines database structure! Our models include a pre-written macro that handles this database organization based on the model name! A double underscore in the file-name will be parsed as a schema break.

So, silver__blocks compiles to a table blocks in schema silver.

Table Materialization

A table is materialized as incremental via the model config. Flipside does this in each model by using a config block. There are three properties in the config block to note for setting an incremental model.

{{ config(
    materialized = 'incremental',
    incremental_strategy = <strategy>,
    unique_key = <unique_key_column>,
) }}
  • materialized sets the type of model

  • incremental_strategy determines the build approach. On Snowflake, the default is merge but you may also see delete+insert

  • unique_key is a required parameter, regardless of incremental or table, but is used in the incremental_strategy to identify records.

When creating models with incremental materialization, we need to write an incremental logic within the model. It is important for the incremental logic to be based on _inserted_timestamp and not on the block_timestamp. This is important especially when the data encounters gaps on certain dates. This enables the model to heal itself because gaps are associated with block_timestamp and when they get-inserted later, they get captured by _inserted_timestamp.

 {% if is_incremental() %}
WHERE _inserted_timestamp >= (
        MAX(_inserted_timestamp) :: DATE - 1
        {{ this }}
{% endif %}

Last updated

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