
Want to see what known entities like CEX, DEX, dApps, or NFT contracts are up to? Labels can help!

Labels identify known addresses that are associated with a CEX, DEX, NFT project, liquidity pool, or other entity.

How are labels different from tags? Labels are a "source of truth" added by Flipside core contributors across all chains. Each known address receives only one label. Not every address has a label.

Contribute to our labels

To contribute to our labels, go to our label submission form and follow the steps there to submit a label. We will review all submitted labels and add accurate labels to our tables. Be sure to add a discord handle so we can reach out to you if there are any questions!

Label Types

There are 10 label types within any blockchain.

See the Crosschain schema for the table containing all labeled addresses.

Flipside applies a 2-level hierarchy to all labeled addresses using 4 field attributes.

Note: on Event and Balance tables there is no need to join a secondary table to group or filter by label attributes .

Events and Balance tables are automatically enriched with label columns corresponding to any column that contains an address type. The pattern for these columns names is: {address_function}_{label_attribute}

For example, in an events table, the following columns would be present to account for labels on the event_from . These would also exist for event_to, tx_from,tx_to, etc.


Last updated