📊Studio Change log

This page keeps track of all the updates and changes to Studio. From new features to bug fixes, you’ll find everything that’s been added, improved, or fixed here!

Date: October 7th, 2024


  • Contextual Navigation in the Studio: The side navigation now only displays relevant tabs based on context, reducing the number of panels in v2 dashboards.

  • 📱Dashboard V2 is now mobile friendly! Any updates after Oct 5th will be mobile responsive. To make your existing v2 dashboard mobile-friendly, make a small edit and hit "Republish.”

  • 🎹 New Keyboard Shortcut (Cmd+K / Ctrl+K): Easily switch between queries and dashboards with this new shortcut in the Studio.

Notable Changes

  • 😎 New dark mode palette: A sleek dark mode is now available.

  • 🔎 Search on Teams Page: A search function has been added to the "Teams" page.

Other Changes

Query Editor

  • ⬆️ Update: Reintroduced the download CSV results button in the results panel.

  • 🐞 Bug fix: Resolved issue where some chart options were hidden on smaller screens.

  • 🐞 Bug fix: Fixed titles of queries created via flipside.new

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where the “transpose” button didn’t work


  • ⬆️ Update: Default x-axis sort direction set to "Ascending.”

  • ⬆️ Update: Links in the results table are now clickable.

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue with timestamps on x-axis

  • 🐞 Bug fix: Fixed wallet addresses mistakenly rendered as clickable links in the results table


  • 🐞 Bug fix: Resolved issues affecting the dark mode theme.

  • 🐞 Bug fix: Fixed issues with uploading images.


  • 🐞 Bug fix: Fixed errors when updating user profiles.

  • 🐞 Bug fix: Resolved the issue where the "Manage Team" modal was not scrollable

Date: September 20th, 2024


  • 💬 Dashboard comments: allow comments on published dashboards

  • 📊 2 new chart types: heat map and candlestick.

Notable Changes

  • 🥳 Improved parameter UX in v2 dashboards: parameters can now be used independent of layouts

  • 🥳 Markdown: Reintroduce markdown to text panels

  • 🥳 V2 Dashboard: “Layers” tree now supports drag & drop

Other Changes

Query Editor

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where “Refresh rate” selection was not syncing between the “Refresh rate” setting and “JSON API” setting

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed sorting issue with newly created “Collections”

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue with renaming files from “My Work” panel

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where the bottom of the results panel gets cut off in public query view

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where the last updated timestamp on a query was not updating


  • ⬆️ Update: Table charts are sortable again

  • ⬆️ Update: Team name is now clickable and links to team profile

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed duplicating parameters on v2 dashboards

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where “Forking” a v2 dashboard would create a v1 dashboard


  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where X-Axis styles were not respected

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where new charts ignored sorting declared in the query

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where line markers can’t be changed/disabled

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where chart settings tab were persisting across different charts

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where new table charts don’t render on v1 dashboards

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where tooltip customizations are not respected

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where Bar Line with grouping hid the line on the chart

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where only legacy charts were being cloned when a query is forked

  • 🐞 Bug fix: fixed issue where some chart configs are not being saved

Last updated