Advanced Visualization

Flipside has licensed Highcharts for its new data visualization engine, allowing more viz choices (e.g. candle charts coming soon!) and advanced user customization for layouts and themes.

Given a chart type and key data (x axis, y axes, group variable) flipside will generate a smart default for your plot choice in our theme. Instead of creating 100s of new buttons and widgets for customization, we expose a settings page that allows for direct manipulation of the highcharts config.

  "title": {
    "text": "CEX Flow Volume",
    "style": {
      "fontSize": "25px"
  "subtitle": {
    "text": "Combined In + Out Flows (USD)"
  "xAxis": {
    "title": {
      "text": "Date",
      "style": {
        "color": "#FFFFF",
        "fontSize": "20px"

All the customization you're used too (axis titles) and a bunch of new options (font size, font colors, legend location, custom tooltips, and much more!)

This is a brief and incomplete guide to the 100s of options Highcharts enables across dozens of chart types (which we are working to add support for in dashboards!). The goal is to get you off the ground manipulating charts and using external tools like the highcharts docs: or 3rd party references like chatGPT (for those with chatGPT Plus, we've created a Flipside Highcharts GPT) and soon our custom AI agent trained on all things Flipside.

Key Constraints

For security purposes, we do have some limitations we'd like to note upfront. You cannot manipulate the series object (the object that holds all your data!) and you cannot use custom JavaScript (i.e. no formatter() functions). But there's still plenty of out of the box highcharts customization available!

Standard Labels

Title, subtitle, xAxis, yAxis each have their title/text options to name them. They also have a style option to change color, font, and font sizes. You edit these via nested JSON, so be careful with the brackets. Axes, here xAxis, has additional features like changing the labels (26 Feb) or even rotating them to save space. You can choose to not show every date by implementing tickInterval in milliseconds (432000000 = 5 days) which allows for skipping labels to make the chart cleaner.

Some of the most powerful controls are the LabelFormats where you can adjust how days or months are labeled, %b %d, %Y = Mar 01, 24

Common LLM tools like chatGPT are excellent at supporting these custom configurations just specify it's highcharts js.

"title": {
    "text": "CEX Flow Volume",
    "style": {
      "fontSize": "25px"
  "subtitle": {
    "text": "Combined In + Out Flows (USD)"
  "xAxis": {
    "title": {
      "text": "Date",
      "style": {
        "color": "#FFFFF",
        "fontSize": "20px"
    "labels": {
      "style": {
        "fontSize": "16px"
      "rotation": 0
    "tickInterval": 432000000,
    "dateTimeLabelFormats": {
      "day": "%b %d, %Y"
  "yAxis": {
    "title": {
      "text": "Flow Volume (USD)",
      "style": {
        "fontSize": "20px"
    "labels": {
      "style": {
        "fontSize": "16px"
      "format": "{value:,.0f}"


Most of the time, you won't touch plotOptions, as we fill this out using your chart selection. But for awareness options like marker and line are available to change things like making a line dashed or here, making all the points on the lines circles instead of different ones for each line (circle, square, triangle, etc.).

For charts that are monthly level, you may need to match your pointIntervalUnit with the dateTimeLabelFormats for the xAxis (here and above both "day" but could be "month").

 "plotOptions": {
    "line": {
      "pointStart": 1704085200000,
      "pointIntervalUnit": "day",
       "marker": {
        "enabled": true,
        "symbol": "circle"  

Colors, Legend, ToolTips

Colors are positionally determined based on the series data. You can manually apply an ORDER BY for your group (e.g. ORDER BY date ASC, central_exchange ASC) so that the colors are in alphabetical order; otherwise you can just play around with the ordering to identify which is which.

To more easily select colors, our data science team enjoys iwanthue which has colorblind friendly, dark, light, palette, and custom color clustering, with easy to copy/paste JSON for pasting them here in the colors object.

The legend object is somewhat simple: alignment, layout, location, etc. To remove a legend you can add "enabled": false.

The series object is not available for manipulation, but it is available for referencing. This comes up for tooltip pointFormat as you take group ( and the color (series.color) to keep chart colors matching the hover over tooltip. The headerFormat works similarly as it allows custom HTML (<b> = bold) and style formatting (.0f = whole number, 0 decimals).

"colors": [
  "legend": {
    "align": "center",
    "layout": "horizontal",
    "verticalAlign": "top"
    "tooltip": {
    "shared": true,
    "pointFormat": "<span style=\"color:{series.color}\">{}: {point.y:,.0f}</span><br/>",
    "headerFormat": "<b>{point.key:%b %d, %Y}</b><br/>"

Exports & Other

You generally won't touch these options. But to improve the UX of charts, we enable zoom, pan, and exports (png, svg, pdf) - and our license allows for removal of the highcharts website credits.

  "chart": {
    "panKey": "shift",
    "panning": {
      "type": "xy",
      "enabled": true
    "zoomType": "xy"
  "credits": {
    "enabled": false
  "exporting": {
    "buttons": {
      "contextButton": {
        "menuItems": [
    "enabled": true

Last updated

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