🧙‍♂️EVM Functions

High Level Functions for Querying EVM-compatible network

EVM functions are custom-built to query EVM-compatible networks and exist as an abstraction over Flipside's API functions. These functions are deployed on specific chain/network schemas under the livequery database, for example: ethereum_mainnet , ethereum_goerli, polygon_mainnet, etc. Flipside automatically defaults all queries to the livequery database so you do not need to specify the livequery db when writing your queries.

View the full documentation within Data Studio on available functions and blockchains/networks.

EVM functions require you to associate a node provider with your Flipside Account. See the Add-Ons section of the documentation for details on adding a node provider to your Flipside Account.

Two types of EVM Functions Exist:

  1. Table Functions, prefixed with tf_

    1. These functions must be wrapped in a table() function

  2. User Defined functions, prefixed with udf_

    1. These functions are used in a select statement

Table Functions

Contract Event Examples

The following examples show off how to fetch the latest events/logs for a contract/set of contracts. Available event functions include:

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_latest_contract_events

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_latest_contract_events_decoded

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_all_contract_events

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_all_contract_events_decoded

💡Seaport: Real-time Orders

Balance Examples

The following examples show off how to fetch balances. Available balance functions include:

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_latest_token_balance

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_latest_native_balance

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_historical_token_balance

  • <chain>_<network>.tf_historical_native_balance

💡WETH Pool Balances

UDF Primitives

These functions are a set of UDFs (user defined functions) designed to make interacting with EVM nodes as easy as possible in Snowflake SQL. They are more dynamic than the EVM table functions because they allow you to call any JSON RPC methods supported by our partners. However, this flexibility comes with a tradeoff - the data returned from these calls will be in a much more raw format. In most cases, you will likely need apply some sort of decoding. The functions in our utils schema are designed to help with these types of decoding and transformations.

Due to the need to apply decoding and transformations, these functions are mainly recommend for more advanced users that are comfortable working with data from EVM nodes. Available functions include:

  • <chain>_<network>.udf_rpc

  • <chain>_<network>.udf_rpc_eth_call

  • <chain>_<network>.udf_rpc_eth_get_logs

  • <chain>_<network>.udf_rpc_eth_get_balance

  • <chain>_<network>.udf_get_token_balance

Generic RPC Call Examples

💡General EVM Node Queries

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